Thursday, March 17, 2011


I've been thinking alot lately about what it means to support the ones you love. I have a cousin in Japan who I love dearly. Luckily they are on a military base. Those of us who are state-side have been filled with fear and frustration watching the news since the massive earthquake hit. Even though we know they will be fine we still worry.

Today she posted that they(spouses and children) are being given the option to leave. She hasn't made up her mind yet and wants to have more information before they make a decision. My heart is torn on this one. One side screams "COME HOME!". The other understands that as a military spouse she knew what she was signing up for and that she wants to stay with her husband. She would never put her family any danger.

No matter what my thoughts are, my desire is to support her.

So today I think about how I can support my loved ones. To help them live their lives to the best of their abilities. Some times the decision is easy and others times I struggle. I know when I need support those who love me are always there.

So today open your hearts and minds and support the ones you love. Even if you don't agree.

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