Sunday, March 27, 2011

Day with the boys.

It's not often I get to have a day out with my boy. Usually we all take off together. Nikki was gone on an overnight field trip. This gave me the perfect time to take off with Zane and a friend of his.

Let me explain that this trip was a reward for potty training. Many months late in coming! Armond belongs to a friend of mine. He is a wonderful child.

 He is also a child with Hunter's Syndrome ( No he doesn't chase after deer LOL). This puts him behind developmentaly. So as a reward for completing potty training I took him and Zane for a day at Gatti Town.

Needless to say they had a great time and I learned how much fun it is to have a day with boys!

Their easy to feed.

They will make you laugh like crazy.

and their even easier to please at Toys R Us!

Thank God for little boys!!

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