Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Thinking of Summer

I'm really missing the sunshine this morning. Instead I'm looking at snow. Southern Illinois weather never fails to amaze me. These are some of the things I'm dreaming of today.

or maybe one like this

could you imagine being a little boy with this one

Who wants to give me a million dollars? LOL.

So if I'm gonna dream I'm gonna dream BIG! Here's to dreaming about summer in the middle of snow.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Day with the boys.

It's not often I get to have a day out with my boy. Usually we all take off together. Nikki was gone on an overnight field trip. This gave me the perfect time to take off with Zane and a friend of his.

Let me explain that this trip was a reward for potty training. Many months late in coming! Armond belongs to a friend of mine. He is a wonderful child.

 He is also a child with Hunter's Syndrome ( No he doesn't chase after deer LOL). This puts him behind developmentaly. So as a reward for completing potty training I took him and Zane for a day at Gatti Town.

Needless to say they had a great time and I learned how much fun it is to have a day with boys!

Their easy to feed.

They will make you laugh like crazy.

and their even easier to please at Toys R Us!

Thank God for little boys!!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Oh' Happy Day!!

What a great weekend. I just love when Zack comes home for a visit.

Although the staying up too late catches up with me. I love the laughter and joy we share when he's home. Now I love the other two just as much. LOL. They would probably say different. Your home just feels different when all of your children are home. They bring the house to life.

I enjoyed the great weather this weekend. Being able to open the windows and enjoy a nice breeze was just heaven. The boys were able to go out and hit some golf balls and I got in a very nice walk. Nikki spent most of the weekend running with friends. I love Spring but I'm not ready for the Summer heat.

I'll be taking pictures for a special gift today. Wish me luck.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


I've been thinking alot lately about what it means to support the ones you love. I have a cousin in Japan who I love dearly. Luckily they are on a military base. Those of us who are state-side have been filled with fear and frustration watching the news since the massive earthquake hit. Even though we know they will be fine we still worry.

Today she posted that they(spouses and children) are being given the option to leave. She hasn't made up her mind yet and wants to have more information before they make a decision. My heart is torn on this one. One side screams "COME HOME!". The other understands that as a military spouse she knew what she was signing up for and that she wants to stay with her husband. She would never put her family any danger.

No matter what my thoughts are, my desire is to support her.

So today I think about how I can support my loved ones. To help them live their lives to the best of their abilities. Some times the decision is easy and others times I struggle. I know when I need support those who love me are always there.

So today open your hearts and minds and support the ones you love. Even if you don't agree.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Let it Shine! Let it Shine! Let it Shine!

What loveliness. Pure bliss to have sunshine. It's amazing what the sun can do for the soul.

Spent this morning delivering a Chocolate Coffee Cake to a dear friend of mine. She got to turn another year older. Hee Hee. I won't tell her age.

Both of the kids got out of school at 1:15 today so we went for a nice walk to the park. Managed to get another mile in today. I can't seem to break that 2 mile barrier. I'm working on getting ready for our 4th of July 5k. I've managed to lose 15lbs in the past 9 weeks. Not exactly breaking a world record but definitely making progress.

Well here's to some more days in the sun.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Long Overdue!!

I hate to even admit that it has been 5 months since my last haircut. Things were looking pretty shaggy around here.

This is how I looked this morning.

Yep, boring, unkept, completely stay-at-home-mom grunge.

This is what happens when you take 30 minutes for yourself.

Yes, I set an appointment for myself in 5 weeks just so I'll remember to cut my hair.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Freebie from Aveda on your Birthday!

This could make for a great freebie. I love getting things for my birthday.

<a href="">Join Aveda's Birthday Program today and get a free, full-size product on your birthday!</a>

Tsunami at Home!

What a weekend. Spent most of it waiting to hear from my cousin Brandi in Japan. Northern Japan! Luckily she is on a navy base. We finally received work from her last night. It is complete devistation.

It reminds me of just how lucky and fortunate I am to have a safe home.

Now that we've survived that Tsunami lets get through the one at home. I have a pet peeve. In fact it's a very large pet peeve. DO NOT BRING CELL PHONES TO CHURCH!!! Yep, drives me nuts. So who was this horrid offender? None other than my own daughter.
Oh the shame!

She now gets to survive phoneless and internetless. Such good parenting skills. You would never guess we were youth leaders.

Some days I get it right. Other days not so right. At the end of the day I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Looking for a purpose.

It always amazes me how I can just be humming along and then.... WHAM!  Once again here I am moving my life in a different direction. I've been very content just being a stay-at-home mommy for the last 4 years. I'm still very happy being at home, but it feels like something is missing. It's time for a change. I've always enjoyed an adventure, looks like I'm going to get one!

This will be my story.

Each time I think I've got it figured it out God likes to show me just how wrong I am. LOL. Good thing He gave me a great sense of humor.