Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Making time

I've spent the last few weeks running around like a chicken with my head cut off. Being disorganized is not good for me or the rest of my family. The more organized I manage to stay the more sane I manage to be.

I finally reworked my dayplannermommyorganizersanitysaver to work better with the flow of our family. Sometimes I need more flexibility. Sometimes not. I have a hard time finding the happy middle ground without some help from notes.

My planner consist of a sheet with regular everday chores. Sheets with morning, afternoon and evening todo's. Also I have a daily appointments sheet. It helps me to break things down for different times of day. I know if I don't get the chores done before 11am they won't get done. Phone calls and appointments work better in the afternoon.

I love having a fairly smooth running household so that I can spend more time with my husband and children. Which is the whole point of having a home.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations, you are the winner of the prize package at www.reshapingitall.com !!!

    Can you please email me so I can send the journal, the book and the wall plaque out to you?

